I am a big advocate of self-care. I love taking that time to pamper myself and just having some “me time”. I especially rely on my pamper routine whilst it is term time and university is causing me a lot of stress! It’s nice to take time and focus on me sometimes. Today I thought I would talk you through my steps in my pamper routine that I do to relax and unwind.

  • Light some candles – There is something about candles that creates the most lovely ambient and calming mood. The soft light and fragrance combines so well together to make me totally calm and puts my mind at ease.
  • Run a bath and make it extra indulgent – I am definitely a bath person, I could spend hours in there just taking some me time. I love it when my bath is even more special by using a Lush bath bomb or some bubble bath or bath salts/oil because it means I want to spend even longer in there which makes me all the more relaxed. I was very fortunate enough to receive lots of bath bombs and products for my Christmas and Birthday which gives me an excellent reason to make more time for me and enjoy it.
  • Go extra on the Skin care – Skin care is something I love doing daily, but there’s something special about those weekly face masks that make skincare so much more fun. Masks are great because not only do you feel good when you’re doing and its a great excuse to take 15 mins out of your day to focus on you, but your skin will be grateful for it too! My absolute favourite masks are the Expert Face Masks from The Body Shop (review here) because they feel really luxurious and the ingredients work amazingly well on my skin. I also love using my Pixi Glow tonic because the exfoliation always leaves my skin looking and feeling brand new, which is an amazing pick me up.


  • Chocolate! – Christmas has made me rediscover my love of chocolate, I didn’t realise it meant as much to me as it does! 😂 I obviously do limit myself (only a bit) and I feel like having some during my pamper evening, it takes my mood to a whole new level.  Not only does it taste good, but it makes you feel good because it releases endorphins (I am really trying to justify it here), which makes it the perfect addition to an evening I am dedicating to me.
  • Read a book or watch something – I have to say, I am much more likely to do the latter – uni has made me not want to read as much any more, but that’s okay. I love getting into my PJs and dressing gown after my bath and catching up with some YouTube or watching some shows on Netflix whilst my face mask is on. It really is the perfect way to end my ‘me time’ and gets my head in a great place to feel ready for bed.

So there were my steps I take for a full on pamper evening. If I don’t have a lot of time on my hands or just need a little pick me up, I will do one step or a couple just to de-stress and forget about everyday life pressures and stresses. I hope you found it interesting or helpful. What are your favourite things to do when you’re pampering yourself? I’d love to know!

Lizzy 🙂